Du kan hitta medietäckning om Nurosym från välrenommerade källor som The Guardian, Scientific American och BBC Science Focus nedan. Vi har sammanställt länkar till artiklar som belyser Nurosyms fantastiska effekter och framsteg inom neuromodulering.
- The Guardian: The key to depression, obesity, alcoholism – and more? Why the vagus nerve is so exciting to scientists
- Scientific American: Zapping the Vagus Nerve Could Relieve Some Long COVID Symptoms
- BBC Science Focus: Anti-ageing neuro-tech: The bold new devices built to keep your brain young
- Financial Times: Telcos try more fibre in their diet
- Daily Express: Long Covid: Groundbreaking earpiece aims to bring relief to chronic sufferers
- BioWorld: The beat goes on: Bioelectronics reduce heart failure symptoms, afib risk and tinnitus (kan kräva prenumeration för fullständig åtkomst)
- HealthNews: Nurosym Review 2024 — Is It Worth Your Money?
- GadgetFlow: Nurosym neuromodulation gadget is clinically validated, reduces stress and anxiety
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